1. 釋義

a. 「Project Screen」指 Project Screen,其母公司為 Prenetics Limited(統稱「Prenetics」「Circle」及「我們」),主要營業地點位於鰂魚涌英皇道 663 號泓富產業千禧廣場 7 樓。

b. 「服務」指用戶不時使用 Project Screen 的基因測試、產品、應用程式、軟件、服務、顧問諮詢和網頁(包括但不限於文本、圖形、圖像和其他材料和資料),而不論有關用途是否與某一帳戶相關。

c. 「個人資料」指可用於識別閣下身份的資料,可單獨使用或結合其他資料使用Project Screen 收集並儲存以下類型的個人資料:

「登記資料」指閣下在登記及/或選購服務時所提供有關閣下的個人資料(例如姓名、電話號碼、電郵、地址、用戶 ID 和密碼以及付款資料)。

「自行填報資料」指關於閣下的所有個人資料,包括疾病狀況、其他與健康相關的資料、個人特徵、種族及您在登入Project Screen 帳戶後就調查、表格或各功能所輸入的其他資料。

「網絡行為資料」指關於閣下如何使用 Project Screen 網頁的資料(例如瀏覽器類型、域名、網頁瀏覽量),乃透過記錄檔、cookies 和網絡信標技術收集。

2. 接受條款

閣下使用 Project Screen 的服務(不包括 Project Screen 根據另一份協議提供的任何服務)時,應受本服務條款(「服務條款」)所載閣下與 Project Screen 之間的法律協議的條款所約束。除本文另有規定外,本服務條款適用於使用服務的任何方式,包括但不限於:a)提交樣本 b)上傳數碼版本的基因資料,並在 Project Screen 網頁上與之互動,及/或 c)在不提供您的樣本或基因資料下,開設和使用免費的 Project Screen 帳戶。閣下必須首先同意服務條款後,方可使用服務。如果您不接受服務條款,則不得使用服務。您可以通過以下方式接受服務條款:(1)點擊選項以接受或同意服務條款,而 Project Screen 已就任何服務為您提供此選項;或(2)實際使用服務。在這情況下,閣下知悉並同意 Project Screen 從此時起將閣下使用服務的行為視作接受服務條款。此外,在使用特定 Project Screen 服務時,您應遵守可能不時發佈且適用於相關服務的任何指引或規則。所有相關指引或規則均透過提述方式納入本服務條款。 Project Screen 亦可能不時提供受不同服務條款規管的其他服務。

3. 先決條件

a. 無論閣下選擇提交自己的深喉唾液樣本,或以其他方式提供您自己的樣本,或提交您擁有法定權力代其提交有關樣本的人士,倘若(1)閣下未達到與 Project Screen 簽訂具約束力合約的法定年齡,或(2)根據閣下居住或使用服務時所處的司法轄區的法律,閣下屬被禁止獲取服務的人士,則閣下不得使用服務,也不得接受服務條款。

b. 除上述條件外,如果閣下以貢獻或以其他方式提供您自己的樣本,或您擁有法定權力代表其行事的人士的基因資料,您必須年滿十八(18)歲或以上,以代表您自己或您擁有法定權力代表其同意這些服務條款的人士同意這些服務條款。

4. 用戶聲明

閣下使用 Project Screen 服務,即表示閣下同意、得悉並作出以下聲明:

閣下允許 Project Screen 對從您的樣本提取的病毒 RNA / DNA 進行處理,並且具體要求 Project Screen 向您和您特別授權的其他人士披露閣下的分析結果。

假如閣下以個人或以 18 歲以下兒童的父母或監護人的身份提供樣本,即表示您年滿十八(18)歲或以上。


5. 建立帳戶、客戶帳戶、密碼和安全義務

作為使用服務的條件,閣下同意:(a)根據服務的提示,提供真實、準確、及時與完整的個人登記資料;(b)保持並及時更新登記資料,使其保持真實、準確、及時及完整。倘若閣下提供不真實、不準確、過時或不完整的登記資料,或如 Project Screen 有合理理由懷疑相關資料不真實、不準確、過時或不完整,Project Screen 有權暫停或終止您的帳戶,並拒絕閣下於目前或將來使用任何及所有服務(或其任何部分)。本服務僅可在閣下從 Project Screen 接獲樣本採集套件的國家使用。

閣下選購我們的服務後,將須建立密碼及帳戶名稱。您有責任對密碼和帳戶保密,並對在登入您的密碼或帳戶下發生的所有活動承擔全部責任。假如您允許第三方通過您的用戶名稱和密碼瀏覽 Project Screen 的網頁,您將須就該等第三方基於或涉及相關取用及使用而提出索賠或訴訟所產生的任何責任、費用或損害(律師費)進行辯護及向 Project Screen 及其聯屬公司作出彌償。閣下同意(a)就任何未經授權而使用您的密碼或帳戶或任何其他違反安全規定的行為,立即通知 Project Screen,並且(b)確保您在每次瀏覽結束時登出您的帳戶。Project Screen 不能亦不會對因閣下未有遵從本條文而導致的任何損失或損害承擔責任。

您有權選擇隨時在不通知我們的情況下停用我們提供的服務,除非您要求我們刪除您的個人資料。當我們受到此項要求後,我們將刪除您的賬戶以及停止您網上賬戶的訪問權。如果基於任何原因而我們需要刪除您的賬戶,那麼我們將刪除前的 30天通知您,並可能會終止有關網上賬戶的訪問權。在此時段內,我們將繼允許所有資料訪問直至通知期結束為止。Project Screen 無需為任何在此服務條款或相關條文列明外進行的服務負責。

6. Project Screen 私隱聲明及資料披露

為使用服務,閣下必須首先知悉及同意私隱聲明。如果您不接受私隱聲明,則不得使用服務。您可以通過以下方式知悉及同意私隱聲明,該聲明通過引用納入此條款:(1)點擊接受或同意私隱聲明的選項,而 Project Screen 已就任何服務為您提供此選項;或(2)實際使用服務。

閣下知悉並同意,Project Screen 的人員有權隨時監控其系統的使用情況,並保留相關監控活動的記錄副本。我們的私隱聲明闡述任何人士在使用 Project Screen 服務、網頁或其他系統時應可享有的私隱期望。此外,閣下知悉並同意,在法律要求或有充分理由相信保存或披露個人資料屬合理必要的情況下,Project Screen 可自由保存及向執法機構或香港衛生署披露任何及所有個人資料,以:(a)遵守法律程序(如司法程序、法院命令或政府調查)或Project Screen 可能須根據道德及其他專業規則、法律和法規而承擔的義務;(b)執行 Project Screen 的服務條款;(c)就任何內容侵犯第三方權利而提出的申索作出回應;或(d)保障 Project Screen、其僱員、用戶、客戶及公眾的權利、財產或個人安全。在這種情況下,如不違反法例或法院命令,我們會通過閣下預先提供的聯絡資料向您作出通知。閣下了解服務(包括閣下個人資料)的技術處理及傳輸方式,可能涉及(a)通過各種網絡進行傳輸;及(b)為符合及因應連接網絡或設備的技術要求而作出的變更。最後,Project Screen 可因任何理由全權決定對登入網頁施加限制。

您的深喉唾液樣品將以不可逆轉的方式處理,並沒法在樣本提交予我們進行分析後退還。 根據 Project Screen 服務條款及相關協定,您將對所有從您的樣本中取得的資訊持有擁有權。

7. 彌償


8. 終止

服務條款將持續適用,直至閣下或 Project Screen 按本條規定予以終止。

如果閣下想終止與 Project Screen 訂立的法律協議,您可隨時以書面形式通知 Project Screen,這將導致閣下使用的所有服務的帳戶被關閉。閣下應以書面形式發送通知至 Circle 的地址,或透過網頁提供的電郵聯絡方式進行有關步驟。若閣下在線上發送通知,Project Screen 將向閣下發送一封電郵,並要求閣下確認請求。在收到電郵確認後,閣下的通知將會生效。

9. 與資料提供者及列示資源的交易


10. 超連結及 Project Screen 網站

服務提供連接至互聯網上其他網站及資源的連結,而第三方亦可能提供此連接。由於 Project Screen 對此類網站及資源並無控制權,閣下知悉並同意,我們毋須對此類外部網站或資源的可用性負責,且 Circle 並未認可此類網站上或此類網站或資源提供的任何內容、廣告、產品或其他材料,亦不對該等內容、廣告、產品或材料負責或承擔責任。閣下進一步知悉並同意,我們毋須對由於使用或依賴在任何此類超連結網站上或透過任何此類超連結網站或資源提供的任何有關內容、商品或服務而造成或聲稱造成或與上述使用或依賴有關的任何損害或損失直接或間接負責或承擔責任。

11. Project Screen 的所有權


閣下進一步知悉並同意,服務及就服務使用的任何必要軟件(「軟件」)包含受適用知識產權及其他法律保護的專有及機密資料。閣下進一步知悉並同意,透過服務或贊助商向閣下提供的資料受版權、商標、服務標誌、專利或其他所有權及法律的保護。除非經我們明確授權,否則閣下同意不會並且不允許任何其他人對服務或軟件或其任何部分進行整體或部分修改、出租、租賃、出借、出售、分發或從中創建衍生作品、反向工程、反向編譯或以其他方式嘗試提取源代碼。可以從服務下載的軟件(如有)(不包括終端用戶可透過服務提供的軟件)是 Project Screen 及⁄或其供應商的受版權保護的作品。閣下對軟件的使用受終端用戶許可協議(「許可協議」)(如有)條款的規管,該協議隨軟件一併提供或包含在軟件中。除非閣下先同意許可協議的條款,否則您不得安裝或使用隨附或包含許可協議的任何軟件。

「Project Screen」及其他 Project Screen 標識以及產品和服務名稱均為 Project Screen 的商標,這些商標連同 Project Screen 的任何其他商號名稱、服務標誌、標識、域名及其他獨有品牌特徵均屬「Project Screen 標誌」。除非閣下與Project Screen 另有書面協議,否則除第 9 條中的有限許可外,服務條款中的任何條文均未授予閣下使用任何 Project Screen 標誌的權利,並且閣下同意不以任何方式展示或使用 Project Screen 標誌。


閣下同意在使用服務時,不會以可能或意圖對此類標誌、名稱或標識的所有者或授權用戶造成混淆的方式,使用任何公司或組織的任何商標、服務標誌、商號名稱、標識,惟獲得 Project Screen 書面明確授權的情況除外。

對於未附帶許可協議的任何軟件,我們授予閣下在單台電腦上使用其軟件的目標代碼的個人、不可轉讓及非專有權利和許可。閣下不得(亦不得允許任何第三方)對軟件進行複製、修改、從中創建衍生作品、反向工程、反向彙編或以其他方式嘗試發現任何源代碼、出售、出讓、再許可、授出擔保權益或以其他方式轉讓軟件的任何權利,除非法律明確允許或要求,或除非 Project Screen 以書面形式特別告知閣下可以這樣做。本許可的唯一目的是使閣下能夠以服務條款允許的方式使用及享受 Project Screen 提供之服務的益處。除非 Project Screen 已授予閣下特定的書面許可,否則閣下不得出讓(或授予再許可)您使用軟件的權利、授出您使用軟件權利的擔保權益或以其他方式轉讓您使用軟件之權利的任何部分。閣下同意不以任何方式或形式修改軟件,或使用軟件的修改版本,包括(但不限於)以未經授權登入服務為目的。閣下同意只會透過Project Screen 所提供的界面登入服務。Project Screen 保留本服務條款未明確授予的任何權利。

12. 保證免責聲明


13. 責任限制


14. 更改服務條款

Project Screen 可不時更改服務條款。作出更改後,Project Screen 將在其網站上提供一份新的服務條款,並且將從受影響的服務內部或透過受影響的服務向閣下提供任何新增的條款。閣下知悉並同意,如果閣下在服務條款發生變更之日後使用服務,Project Screen 將視閣下的使用為您已接納更新的服務條款。

15. 違反或涉嫌違反服務條款

如果閣下違反本服務條款的條款及⁄或 Project Screen 有合理理由懷疑閣下違反了本服務條款的條款,Project Screen 有權暫停或終止閣下的帳戶,並拒絕閣下於當前或將來對服務(或其任何部分)的任何及所有使用。

16. 其他事項

a. 完整協議。服務條款構成閣下與我們之間的完整協議,並規管閣下對服務的使用,取代閣下與 Project Screen 之前就此標的達成的任何協議。閣下可能亦須遵守當您使用聯屬公司服務、第三方內容或第三方軟件時可能適用的其他條款及條件。

b. 適用法律及仲裁。凡因本合約引起或與之相關的任何爭議、糾紛、差異或申索,包括其存在、有效性、詮釋、履行、違約或終止,或因服務及服務條款引起或與之相關的非合約義務的任何爭議,均應提交仲裁並最終透過由香港國際仲裁中心(HKIAC)根據在提交仲裁通知時有效的《香港國際仲裁中心機構仲裁規則》作出的仲裁解決。本仲裁條款的法律為香港法

c. 放棄權利。我們未能行使或強制執行服務條款的任何權利或條文不應構成放棄行使或強制執行有關權利或條文。如若發現服務條款的任何條文無效,雙方同意實施該條文所反映的雙方意圖,而服務條款的其他條文仍然具有十足效力及作用。

d. 提出訴訟因由的期限。閣下同意,不論有無任何相反的法規或法律,因使用服務或服務條款而引起或與之相關的任何申索或訴訟因由必須在此申索或訴訟因由產生後一(1)年內提交,否則將被永遠禁止提交。

e. 印刷版的可接納性。本協議及以電子形式發出的任何通知的印刷版須在依據或與本協議有關的司法或行政程序中獲接納,接納程度及條件應與最初以印刷形式生成及存置的其他業務文件及記錄相同。

f. 章節標題。服務條款中的章節標題僅為方便起見,並無法律或合約效力。

g. 可分割性條款。如果發現本服務條款的任何部分不可強制執行,其餘部分仍將具有十足效力及作用。

h. 修訂。我們保留修改、補充或替換協議條款的權利,經修訂條款將在上發佈或以其他方式通知閣下時生效。如閣下不同意更改本協議,您可根據第 18 條(終止)隨時終止本協議。

i. 出讓:閣下不得出讓或轉授本協議下的任何權利或義務。任何聲稱的出讓及轉授均為無效。我們可以不受限制地全部或部分出讓或轉授本協議下的所有權利及義務,而毋須通知閣下。我們亦可以單方面約務更替的方式以 Project Screen 取代承擔我們在本協議下的權利及義務的任何第三方,並在通知閣下後生效。

j. 本協議以中文和英文訂立。 中英文版本如有任何歧異,概以英文版本為準。



1. Definitions

a. “Project Screen” means Project Screen, which is owned by Prenetics Limited (including its subsidiaries and affiliates, collectively as “Prenetics”, “Circle”, “we”, “us” and “our”) with principal place of business at 7/F, Prosperity Millennia Plaza, 663 King’s Road, Quarry Bay.

b. “Service” or “Services” means Project Screen Test(s), products, mobile app, software, services, consultation and website (including but not limited to text, graphics, images, and other material and information) as accessed from time to time by the user, regardless if the use is in connection with an account or not.

c. “Personal Information” is information that can be used to identify you, either alone or in combination with other information. Project Screen collects and stores the following types of Personal Information:

“Registration Information” is the information you provide about yourself when registering for and/or purchasing our Services (e.g. name, phone number, email, address, user ID and password, and payment information).

“Self-Reported Information” is all information about yourself, including your disease conditions, other health-related information, personal traits, ethnicity, and other information that you enter into surveys, forms, or features while signed in to your Project Screen account.

“Web Behavior Information” is information on how you use the Project Screen website (e.g. browser type, domains, page views) collected through log files, cookies, and web beacon technology.

2. Acceptance of Terms

Your use of Project Screen’s Services (excluding any services provided by Project Screen under a separate agreement) is subject to the terms of the legal agreement between you and Project Screen set forth in these Terms of Service (“TOS”). Except as specified herein, these TOS apply to any use of the Services, including but not limited to a) submitting a sample, b) uploading a digital version of your sample Information and interacting with it on the Project Screen website, and/or c) creating and using a free Project Screen account without providing your sample or Genetic Information. In order to use the Services, you must first agree to the TOS. You may not use the Services if you do not accept the TOS. You can accept the TOS by (1) clicking to accept or agree to the TOS, where this option is made available to you by Project Screen for any Service; or by (2) actually using the Services. In this case, you acknowledge and agree that Project Screen will treat your use of the Services as acceptance of the TOS from that point onwards. In addition, when using particular Project Screen Services, you shall be subject to any guidelines or rules applicable to such services that may be posted from time to time. All such guidelines or rules are hereby incorporated by reference into the TOS. Project Screen also may offer other services from time to time that are governed by different terms of service.

3. Prerequisites

a. Whether you submit your own deep throat saliva sample, or a deep throat saliva sample of whom you have the legal authority to do so, you may not use the Services and may not accept the TOS if (1) you are not of legal age to form a binding contract with Project Screen, or (2) you are a person barred from receiving the Services under the laws of the jurisdiction in which you are resident or from which you use the Services.

b. In addition to the conditions above, if you contribute or otherwise provide sample Information of your own, or of whom you have the legal authority to act on his or her behalf, you must be eighteen (18) years of age or older to agree to these TOS on behalf of yourself or those for whom you have the legal authority to agree to
these TOS.

4. User Representations

By accessing Project Screen Services, you agree to, acknowledge, and represent as follows:
You give permission to Project Screen to process services on the viral RNA / DNA extracted from your sample and you specifically request Project Screen to disclose the results of analyses to you and to others you specifically authorise.

You represent that you are eighteen (18) years of age or older if you are providing a sample or accessing Information of yourself or in the capacity as parent or guardian of a child below 18 years of age. You are guaranteeing that any sample you provide is your own sample; if you are agreeing to these TOS on behalf of a person for whom you have legal authorisation, you are confirming that the sample provided will be the sample of that person.

5. Account Creation, Customer Account, Password, and Security Obligations

In consideration of your use of the Services, you agree to: (a) provide true, accurate, current, and complete Registration Information about yourself as prompted by the Service; and (b) maintain and promptly update the Registration Information to keep it true, accurate, current, and complete. If you provide any Registration Information that is untrue, inaccurate, not current, or incomplete, or if Project Screen has a reasonable
ground to suspect that such information is untrue, inaccurate, not current, or incomplete, Project Screen has the right to suspend or terminate your account and refuse any and all current or future use of the Service (or any portion thereof). The Services are for use only in the country to which your sample collection kit was
shipped from Project Screen.

After you have made your purchase, you will create an account to consent to and access your Service. NOTE: If you do not provide your consent, we will be unable to continue with Services until you do so. You will create a password and are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the password and account and are fully responsible for all activities that occur under your password or account. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the password and account, and are fully responsible for all activities that occur under your password or account. If you allow third parties to access Project Screen’s website through your username and password, you will defend and indemnify Project Screen and its affiliates against any liability, costs, or damages, including attorney fees, arising out of claims or suits by such third parties based upon or relating to such access and use. You agree to (a) immediately notify Project Screen of any unauthorized use of your password or account or any other breach of security, and (b) ensure that you exit from your account at the end of each session. Project Screen cannot and will not be liable for any loss or
damage arising from your failure to comply with this Section.

You can stop using the Services at any time. You do not need to inform us when you stop using the Services, unless you request us to delete your Personal Information. By asking us to delete your data, we close your account and terminate access to your online account. If account closure is initiated by us for any reason, then we will provide 30 (thirty) calendar days’ notice to you and may suspend access to your online account. During this time, we will continue to accept information access requests until the closure data as notified to you. We do not have any responsibility for the use of the Services outside the TOS terms or any other terms that apply.

6. Project Screen Privacy Statement and Disclosure of Information

In order to use the Services, you must first acknowledge and agree to the Privacy Statement. You may not use the Services if you do not accept the Privacy Statement. You can acknowledge and agree to the full Privacy Statement, which is incorporated by reference into these Terms, by (1) clicking to accept or agree to our Privacy Statement, where this option is made available to you by Project Screen for any Service; or by (2) actually using the Services.

You acknowledge and agree that Project Screen has the right to monitor any use of its systems by its personnel at any time and maintain copies documenting such monitoring. Our Privacy Statement sets forth the only expectations of privacy any individual should have in terms of usage of the Project Screen Services, website, or other systems.

Further, you acknowledge and agree that Project Screen is free to preserve and disclose any and all Personal Information to law enforcement and Department of Health agencies: (a) comply with legal process (such as a judicial proceeding, court order, or government inquiry) or obligations that Project Screen may owe pursuant to ethical and other professional rules, laws, and regulations; (b) enforce the Project Screen TOS; (c) respond to claims that any content violates the rights of third parties; or (d) protect the rights, property, or personal safety of Project Screen, its employees, its users, its clients, and the public. In such an event we will notify you through the contact information you have provided to us in advance, unless doing so would violate the law or a court order. You understand that the technical processing and transmission of the Services, including your Personal Information, may involve (a) transmissions over various networks; and (b) changes to conform and adapt to technical requirements of connecting networks, or devices. Finally, Project Screen may, in its sole discretion, restrict access to the website for any reason.

Your deep throat sample, once submitted to and analyzed by us, is processed in an irreversible manner and cannot be returned to you. Any Information derived from your sample remains your information, subject to rights we retain as set forth in these TOS.

7. Indemnity

You agree to defend and hold us, and our subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, agents, contractors, partners, employees, successors, and assigns harmless from any claim, or demand, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, made by any third party due to or arising out of User Content you submit, post to, or transmit through the Service; your use of the Service; your connection to the Service; your violation of the TOS; or your
violation of any rights of another.

8. Termination

The TOS will continue to apply until terminated by either you or Project Screen as set out in this Section

If you want to terminate your legal agreement with Project Screen, you may do so by notifying Project Screen at any time in writing, which will entail closing your accounts for all of the Services that you use. Your notice should be sent, in writing, to Project Screen’s address, or via email function at our website If you provide notice online, Project Screen will send you an email asking you to confirm your request, and your notice will be effective following receipt of an email confirmation.

9. Dealings with Information Providers and Listed Resources

Your correspondence or business dealings with/or participation in promotions of-information providers, vendors, and/or resources found on or through the Service, including payment and delivery of related goods or services, and any other terms, conditions, warranties, or representations associated with such dealings, are solely between you and such information provider or resource. You acknowledge and agree that we shall not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage of any sort incurred as the result of any such dealings or as the result of the presence of such information provider or resources on the Service.

10. Hyperlinks and the Project Screen Website

The Service provides, and third parties may provide, links to other sites and resources on the Internet. Because Project Screen has no control over such sites and resources, you acknowledge and agree that we are not responsible for the availability of such external sites or resources, and do not endorse and are not responsible or liable for any content, advertising, products, or other materials on or available from such sites or resources. You further acknowledge and agree that we shall not be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any such content, goods, or services available on or through any such hyperlinked site or resource.

11. Project Screen’s Proprietary Rights

You acknowledge and agree that we (or our licensors, as applicable) own all legal right, title, and interest in and to the Services, including any intellectual property rights (including but not limited to patents) which subsist in the Services (whether those rights happen to be registered or not, and wherever in the world those rights may exist). You further acknowledge that the Services may contain information which is designated confidential by us and that you shall not disclose such information without our prior written consent.

You further acknowledge and agree that the Services and any necessary software used in connection with the Services (“Software”) contain proprietary and confidential information that is protected by applicable intellectual property and other laws. You further acknowledge and agree that information presented to you through the Services or sponsors is protected by copyrights, trademarks, service marks, patents, or other proprietary rights and laws. Except as expressly authorized by us, you agree not to-and not to permit anyone else to-modify, rent, lease, loan, sell, distribute, or create derivative works of, reverse engineer, decompile, or otherwise attempt to extract the source code of the Services or Software or any part thereof, in whole or in part. Software, if any, that is made available to download from the Services, excluding software that may be made available by end-users through the Services, is the copyrighted work of Project Screen and/or its suppliers. Your use of the Software is governed by the terms of the end user license agreement, if any, which accompanies or is included with the Software (“License Agreement”). You may not install or use any Software that is accompanied by or includes a License Agreement unless you first agree to the License Agreement terms.

Project Screen, and other Project Screen logos and product and service names are trademarks of Project Screen and these marks together with any other Project Screen trade names, service marks, logos, domain names, and other distinctive brand features are the “Project Screen Marks”. Unless you have agreed otherwise in writing with Project Screen, other than through the Limited License in Section 9, nothing in the TOS gives you a right to use any Project Screen Marks and you agree not to display, or use in any manner, Project Screen Marks.

You agree that you shall not remove, obscure, or alter any proprietary rights notices (including copyright and trademark notices) that may be affixed to or contained within the Services.

Unless you have been expressly authorized to do so in writing by Project Screen, you agree that in using the Services, you will not use any trademark, service mark, trade name, logo of any company or organization in a way that is likely or intended to cause confusion about the owner or authorized user of such marks, names, or logos.

For any Software not accompanied by a License Agreement, we grant you a personal, non-transferable, and non-exclusive right and license to use the object code of its Software on a single computer. You may not (and may not allow any third party to) copy, modify, create a derivative work of, reverse engineer, reverse assemble, or otherwise attempt to discover any source code, sell, assign, sublicense, grant a security interest in, or otherwise transfer any right in the Software unless this is expressly permitted or required by law, or unless you have been specifically told that you may do so by Project Screen, in writing. This license is for the sole purpose of enabling you to use and enjoy the benefit of the Services as provided by Project Screen, in the manner permitted by the TOS. Unless Project Screen has given you specific written permission to do so, you may not assign (or grant a sublicense of) your rights to use the Software, grant a security interest in or over your rights to use the Software, or otherwise transfer any part of your rights to use the Software. You agree not to modify the Software in any manner or form, or to use modified versions of the Software, including (without limitation) for the purpose of obtaining unauthorized access to the Service. You agree not to access the Service by any means other than through the interface that is provided by Project Screen for use in accessing the Service. Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved.

12. Disclaimer of Warranties

You expressly acknowledge and agree that: (1) Your use of the Services are at your sole risk. The Services are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis. We expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, and non- infringement. (2) We make no warranty that (a) the Services will meet your requirements; (b) the Services will be uninterrupted, timely, unfailingly secure, or error-free; (c) the results that may be obtained from the use of the Services will be accurate or reliable; (d) the quality of any products, services, information, or other material purchased or obtained by you through the Services will meet your expectations and (e) any errors in the software will be corrected. (3) Any material downloaded or otherwise obtained through the use of the Services is done at your own discretion and risk and that you will be solely responsible for any damage to your smart phone or computer system or loss of data that results from the download of any such material. (4) No advice or information, whether oral or written, obtained by you from us or through or from the Services shall create any warranty not expressly stated in the TOS. (5) You should always use caution when giving out any personally identifying information about yourself or those for whom you have legal authority. We do not control or endorse any actions resulting from your participation in the Services and, therefore, we specifically disclaim any liability with regard to any actions resulting from your participation in the services.

13. Limitation of Liability

Within the limits allowed by applicable laws, you expressly acknowledge and agree that we shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or exemplary damages, including but not limited to, damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, data or other intangible losses (even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages), resulting from: (a) the use or the inability to use the services; (b) any action you take based on the information you receive in through or from the services, (c) your failure to keep your password or account details secure and confidential, (d) the cost of procurement of substitute goods and services resulting from any goods, data, information, or services purchased or obtained or messages received or transactions entered into through or from the services; (e) unauthorised access to or alteration of your transmissions or data; (f) the improper authorisation for the services by someone claiming such authority; or (g) statements or conduct of any third party on the services.

14. Changes to the Terms of Service

Project Screen may make changes to the TOS from time to time. When these changes are made, Project Screen will make a new copy of the TOS available on its website and any new additional terms will be made available to you from within, or through, the affected Services.

You acknowledge and agree that if you use the Services after the date on which the TOS have changed, Project Screen will treat your use as acceptance of the updated TOS.

15. Violation or Suspected Violation of Terms of Service

If you violate the terms of these TOS and/or Project Screen has a reasonable ground to suspect that you have violated the terms of these TOS, Project Screen has the right to suspend or terminate your account and refuse any and all current or future use of the Services (or any portion thereof).

16. Miscellaneous

a. Entire Agreement. The TOS constitutes the entire agreement between you and us and govern your use of the Services, superseding any prior agreements between you and Project Screen on this subject. You also may be subject to additional terms and conditions that may apply when you use affiliate services, third-party content, or third-party software.

b. Applicable law and arbitration. Any dispute, controversy, difference or claim arising out of or relating to this contract, including the existence, validity, interpretation, performance, breach or termination thereof or any dispute regarding non-contractual obligations arising out of or relating to the Services and TOS shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration administered by the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC) under the HKIAC Administered Arbitration Rules in force when the Notice of Arbitration is submitted. The law of this arbitration clause shall be Hong Kong law. The seat of arbitration shall be Hong Kong.

c. Waiver. The failure of us to exercise or enforce any right or provision of the TOS shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. If any provision of the TOS is found to be invalid, the parties nevertheless agree to give effect to the parties’ intentions as reflected in the provision, and the other provisions of the TOS remain in full force and effect.

d. Term for cause of action. You agree that regardless of any statute or law to the contrary, any claim or cause of action arising out of or related to use of the Services or the TOS must be filed within one (1) year after such claim or cause of action arose or be forever barred.

e. Admissibility of printed version. A printed version of this agreement and of any notice given in electronic form shall be admissible in judicial or administrative proceedings based upon or relating to this agreement to the same extent and subject to the same conditions as other business documents and records originally generated and maintained in printed form.

f. Section titles. The section titles in the TOS are for convenience only and have no legal or contractual effect.

g. Severability Clause. If any portion of these TOS is found to be unenforceable, the remaining portion will remain in full force and effect.

h. Amendments. We reserve the right to modify, supplement or replace the terms of the Agreement, effective upon posting at or notifying you otherwise. If you do not want to agree to changes to the Agreement, you can terminate the Agreement at any time per Section 18 (Termination).

i. Assignment: You may not assign or delegate any rights or obligations under the Agreement. Any purported assignment and delegation shall be ineffective. We may freely assign or delegate all rights and obligations under the Agreement, fully or partially without notice to you. We may also substitute, by way of unilateral novation, effective upon notice to you, Project Screen for any third party that assumes our rights and obligations under this Agreement.

j. This Agreement is made into Chinese and English. In case of any discrepancies between the English and Chinese versions, the English version shall prevail.